Homeowners Facts and Information
Did you know .
- The 1998 Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics indicates
that there were 1,763,253 residential burglaries reported
to police in 1997.
- 1997 FBI Uniform Crime Reports data indicates that from 1993
- 1997 the greatest number of burglaries occurred in July and
- 52% of these burglaries happened during daytime hours and
48% happened at night.
- Two out of three burglaries were residential.
- 60% of these residential burglaries occurred during daytime
- 1997 FBI Uniform Crime Reports data indicates that losses due
to burglary were approximately $3.3 billion.
- The average dollar loss was $1,391 per residential burglary.
- Department of Justice data indicate that one burglary occurs
every 10 seconds.
- One out of four homes will be burglarized within the next
10 years.
- Three out of four homes will be burglarized within the next
20 years.
- According to the Insurance Information Institute, U.S. insurance
companies paid out more than $1 billion in dog-related claims
in 1997.
