Check doors at night and lock all windows. |
Get a barking dog or "beware of dog" signs. If
you own a dog and go out of town, have a friend you trust come
in to care for your dog in your home. |
Plant thorny bushes under all windows. Trim back
any trees or shrubs near door and windows to eliminate hiding
places for thieves. |
Don't hide a spare key under the door mat or
under a flower pot. |
Use a timer set to turn interior lights on and
off at varying intervals as though your home is still occupied
when you aren't home. |
Keep large amounts of cash or valuable jewelry
in a safe deposit box. |
Lock the door and take the key with you, even
if you are just stepping next door or out mowing the backyard. |
Keep any tools that could be used to break into
your house, like a ladder, safely locked away in a garage or
shed. |
If someone comes to your door asking to use the
telephone, make the call yourself. Don't invite them in. |
Protect lights to prevent breakage or tampering. |
Install adequate locks and frames on all ground-level
windows. |
Have the serial numbers available of all valuable
items. |
Light up your neighborhood. Leave outdoor lights
on all night, at both the front and rear of your home. Encourage
your neighbors to do the same -- it serves as a deterrent. |
Put your purse, wallet, money and other valuables
out of plain sight. |
Remember, burglary is not a sophisticated crime; it's a crime of
opportunity. Burglars don't choose victims, they choose opportunities!
Be safe! Be smart!