Special Considerations for Pool Owners
For many people, one of the glories of summer includes
lounging poolside with a bright sun overhead and a cold drink at
their side. But if you are the pool owner, this blissful picture
can be interrupted if you aren't aware of the special maintenance,
safety and liability concerns associated with pool ownership. Here's
some special advice for pool owners:
- Check your homeowners policy to see if you have adequate liability
insurance to cover potential accidents that could happen to guests
at your home.
- Check town ordinances regarding fences and gates for both above
ground and inground pools.
- Consider installing special pool safety alarms to help prevent
small children from entering the pool area.
- Establish "buddy" rules at your home. No one swims alone.
- Hire a lifeguard to help monitor your pool during a big party
with many children.
- When pool is not in use, make sure all gates are locked and
ladders are out of reach of small children.
- Make sure pool filters and chemicals are checked regularly.
- Keep the pool deck free of standing water.
- Follow similar safety precautions if you own a hot tub, taking
extra care to keep it locked when not in use.
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